Ninth edition
July 1 – July 12, 2024

Participants: Akos Balàzs (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary), David Chakrian (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Valeriia Chukaeva (University of Graz, Austria), Andreas Duerholt (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Aleksandr Feigin (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy), Horia Guias (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain), Yuxuan He (Tilburg University, The Netherlands), Viktoriya Kudryavtseva (London School of Economics, UK), Bingbing Li (Bielefeld University, Germany), Chenghong Luo (Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, China), Tianyu Ma (Bielefeld University, Germany), Sem Manna (Bocconi University Milan, Italy), Shuwa Miura (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA), Oto Montagner (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brasil), Jeanne Olla (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Saïkou Oumar Sagnane (Bayreuth University, Germany), Marco Saponara (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), Huaijin Shi (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Chaoran Sun (Shanghai University of International Business and Economics), Zuo Yang (National University of Singapore)
Teachers: Christian Bach, Rubén Becerril, Stephan Jagau, Niels Mourmans, Andrés Perea, and Joep van Sloun
Eighth edition:
July 3 – July 14, 2023

Participants: Aqsa Akber (Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan), Laura Engel (University of Hamburg, Germany), Yotam Gafni (Technion, Israel), Horia Guias (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain), Kurt Leonhardt (Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, Netherlands), Jerome Lin (National Taiwan University), Gabriel Malagutti (University of Lisbon, Portugal), Shuwa Miura (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA), Eva María Perez Martel (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Alexander Priston (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK) , Jonan Raaijmakers (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands), Giacomo Sacchetti (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), Vasiliki Xiromeriti (Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France)
Teachers: Christian Bach, Stephan Jagau, Niels Mourmans, Andrés Perea, Joep van Sloun, Elias Tsakas
Seventh edition:
July 4 – July 16, 2022

Participants: Tuva Bardal (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Atakan Dizarlar (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Andy Finette (University of Milan, Italy), Karla Flores Zarur (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico), Ki Vin Foo (National University of Singapore), Anna Hager (Bielefeld University, Germany), Lei Li (Tsinghua University, China), Chang Liu (University of Mannheim, Germany), Rojo Randrianomentsoa (TU Wien, Austria), Hirad Rezaiejoo (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Raimundo Saona (Institute of Sciences and Technology Austria), Siao Xu (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Teachers: Christian Bach, Stephan Jagau, Niels Mourmans, Andrés Perea, Joep van Sloun, Elias Tsakas
Sixth edition:
July 1 – July 15, 2019
Participants: Toyin Ayibade (University of Ilorin, Nigeria), Dalal Al-Azizy (University of Tabuk, Saudi-Arabia), Swaminathan Balasubramaniam (Washington University in St. Louis, USA), Anthony Bourached (University College London, UK), Annalisa Costella (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Nahla Dhib (University of Valrose, France), Miriam Fisher (LMU Munich, Germany, and University of Liverpool, UK), Miguel Frasquet (University of Sevilla, Spain), Guy Goren (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Fatma Hilal Gumus (Bulent Ecevit University, Turkey), Mehmet Gumus (Bulent Ecevit University, Turkey), Ryoji Jinushi (University of California at Riverside, USA), Djaffar Lessy (Université Cote d’Azur, France), Yi Li (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Enrico Mattia Salonia (Collegio Carlo Alberto, Italy), Erubiel Ordaz (University of Siena, Italy), Andre van Parys (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK), Federica Scarponi (University of Liverpool, UK), Joep van Sloun (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Yi Wei (University of Cambridge, UK), James Wilkinson (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Marta Ziosi (University College Maastricht, Netherlands)
Teachers: Christian Bach (University of Liverpool, England), Shuige Liu (Waseda University, Japan), Niels Mourmans (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Andrés Perea (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Elias Tsakas (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
Fifth edition:
June 25 – July 9, 2018
Participants: Måns Abrahamson (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), Aditya Aradhye (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Nicola Campigotto (University of Siena, Italy), Marco Catola (University of Siena, Italy), Benoit Duvocelle (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Piet Jonker (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), Ilona Kraft (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Stefanos Leonardos (University of Athens, Greece), Ho-Yin Lui (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Gagah Prambudi (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Fei Song (University of Hong Kong), Eisuke Uchida (Hitotsubashi University, Japan), Li Yang (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Tatevik Yolyan (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Teachers: Christian Bach (University of Liverpool, England), Stephan Jagau (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Niels Mourmans (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Andrés Perea (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Elias Tsakas (Maastricht University, Netherlands)

Fourth edition:
June 12 – June 25, 2017
Participants: Denis Fedyanin (University of Moscow, Russia), Frank Feys (Technical University Delft, Netherlands), Sam Ganzfried (Florida International University, USA), Héctor Hermida Rivera (Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Dominik Karos (Maastricht University), Hanna van Lee (Copenhagen University, Denmark), Shuige Liu (Waseda University, Japan), Marko Maric (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium), Karim Mohamed (Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt), David Muller (Technical University Chemnitz, Germany), Willem Sas (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium), Eveleine Vandewal (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Sun Yang (National University of Singapore)
Teachers: Christian Bach (University of Liverpool, England), Rubén Becerril (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana at Mexico City, Mexico), Stephan Jagau (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Christian Nauerz (Uber, Netherlands), Andrés Perea (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
Third edition:
July 5 – July 19, 2016
Participants: Sander Aarts (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Zeinab Bakhtiari (CNRS and Université de Lorraine, France), Rubén Becerril (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana at Mexico City, Mexico), Femke Bekius (Technical University Delft, Netherlands), Niels Boissonet (Université Panthéon Sorbonne, France), Julian Boulanger (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden), Pierre Cardascia (Universié de Lille 3, France), Michele Crescenzi (University of Helsinki, Finland), Eric Flaten (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Indra Gesink (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Alain Govaert (University of Groningen, Netherlands), James Grayot (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), Shashwat Khare (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Shinji Kobayashi (Nohon University, Japan), Niels Mourmans (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Satoshi Nakada (Hitotsubashi University, Japan), Ignacio Ojea Quintana (Columbia University, USA), Yongchuan Qiao (National University of Singapore), Bora Ristic, (Imperial College London, England), ShivShanker Singh Patel (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India), Chaoran Sun (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Zoi Terzopoulou (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Domenico Viganola (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden)
Teachers: Christian Bach (University of Liverpool, England), Stephan Jagau (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Christian Nauerz (Uber, Netherlands), Andrés Perea (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Elias Tsakas (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
Second edition:
June 8 – June 19, 2015
Participants: Philippe van Basshuysen (London School of Economics, England), Shreya Basu (University of Helsinki, Finland), Federico Cammelli (Norwegian School of Life Sciences, Norway), Swarnendu Chatterjee (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Sofie de Clerq (Ghent University, Belgium), Weibin Han (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands), Egemen Ipek (Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey), Stephan Jagau (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Philip Nadler (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Nicholas Narang (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Mehmet Pekkaya (Bulent Ecevit Universitesi, Turkey), Iris van de Pol (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Sidharth Rony (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Riccardo Saulle (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Gasper Stukelj (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Rafael Ventura (Duke University, USA), Yiran Wang (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Anne Wanningen (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Vojtech Zachnik (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Teachers: Christian Bach (University of Liverpool, England), Angie Mounir (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Christian Nauerz (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Andrés Perea (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Elias Tsakas (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
First edition:
May 12 – May 23, 2014
Participants: Bilge Baser (Mimar Sinan University Istanbul, Turkey), Marion Collewet (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Fritz Gillerke (University of Bayreuth, Germany), Pierfrancesco Guarino (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Helga Habis (Lund University, Sweden), Aaron Janowski (Philipps University Marburg, Germany), Johannes Kern (University of Cologne, Germany), Christopher Kah (Innsbruck University, Austria), Irina Kirysheva (Euopean University Institute Florence, Italy), Abhinaba Lahiri (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Yun Liu (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Alessandra Marra (Tilburg University, Netherlands), Sascha Mierzwa (Philipps University Marburg, Germany), Anna Moskalenko (Rovira I Virgili University, Spain), Jan Muller (University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic), Josué Ortega (Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, Austria), Michael Perdue (Philipps University Marburg, Germany), Mikolaj Podlaszewski (University of Luxemburg), Haihan Yu (University of Alicante, Spain), Anna Zseleva (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Peio Zuazo-Garin (University of the Basque Country Bilbao, Spain)
Teachers: Christian Bach (University of Liverpool, England), Angie Mounir (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Christian Nauerz (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Andrés Perea (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Elias Tsakas (Maastricht University, Netherlands)