The purpose of the reading group is to discuss published and ongoing research on epistemic game theory and related topics.
- Non-standard analysis, and its relations to decision theory and game theory, Robinson 1973, Hammond 1994, Halpern 2010, January 31.
Non-standard analysis extends the real numbers by including an infinitesimal, which is a positive number that is strictly smaller than any positive real number. Such an infinitesimal can be viewed as a placeholder for an infinite sequence of positive real numbers converging to zero, which is often used in game theory and decision theory to model trembles or cautious beliefs. This non-standard analysis goes back to Robinson (1973). During the meeting we intend to discuss the field of non-standard numbers, some of its main properties, its connections to lexicographic beliefs and trembles, and how it can be useful for decision theory and game theory.
- Order Independence in Games, January
- Dynamic Psychological Games, Battigalli & Dufwenberg 2009, May
- Static Psychological Games, Geanakopols, Pearce and Stachetti 1989, April
- Proof Mixmin Expected Utility, Gilboa & Schmeidler 1989, March
- Maximin Expected Utility, Gilboa & Schmeidler 1989, February
- Are the treasures of game theory ambiguous?, Eichberger & Kelsey 2008, November
- The Logic of Backward Induction, Aumann & Arieli 2013, October
- When do types induce the same belief hierarchy? A recursive procedure, September
- Heterogeneous Quantal Response Equilibrium and Cognitive Hierarchies, Rogers, Palfrey and Camerer 2009, July
- Rational Inattention, April
- General Imaging, Lewis 1976, Gardenfors 1988, Perea 2009, February
- When do two types induce the same belief hierarchy?, Perea 2014, January
- Drawing a parallel between unawareness and common knowledge, Anna Zseleva, December
- Introduction to unawareness in games II, Heifetz et al. 2006 & Heifetz et al. 2013, November
- Introduction to unawareness in games I, Modica and Rustichini 1994 & Dekel et al. 1998 October
- Completeness and Soundness of Propositional Logic II, August
- Completeness and Soundness of Propositional Logic I, June
- Zermelo and the Early History of Game Theory, Schwalbe&Walker 2001, May
- Introduction to Quantum Game Theory, Meyer 1999, April
- Strong belief and forward induction reasoning, Battigalli & Siniscalchi 2002, April
- Hierarchies of conditional beliefs and interactive epistemology in dynamic games, Battigalli & Siniscalchi 1999, April
- Belief in the opponents’ future rationality, Perea 2010, March
- Rationality, Nash equilibrium and backwards induction in perfect-information games, Ben-Porath 1997, February
- Admissibility in games, Brandenburger, Friedenberg & Keissler 2008, December
- Proper rationalizability in lexicographic beliefs, Asheim 2001, November
- Lexicographic probabilities, Blume, Brandenburger & Dekel 1991, October
- Hierarchies of beliefs and common knowledge, Brandenburger & Dekel 1993, October
- Correlated equilibrium as an expression of Bayesian rationality, Aumann 1987, September
- A one-person doxastic characterization of Nash strategies, Perea 2007, May
- Epistemic conditions for Nash equilibrium, Aumann & Brandenburger 1995, May
- The Bayesian foundations of solution concepts of games, Tan & Werlang 1988, May
- Rationalizable strategic behavior, Bernheim 1984 & Pearce 1984, May